This chair was for a darling repeat client…last time my husband did the drop off and pick up for me, so I never got to meet her. Anyhow…she had this chair in her basement that was a little dated… burgandy stripes.
She chose a great neutral soft textured fabric that was pretty thick. We decided to take off the skirt and show the legs. Which in the end was a great plan, because I don’t think I could’ve got a pleated skirt on that slipcover because the fabric was so thick.
The bottom edge of the chair curved on the sides, but she decided she wanted it straight across. So the legs look shorter.
Before.. I already took the skirt off before I took the picture. You can see the fade line of where it was, if you look close.
After…Who needs to buy a new chair when your old one can look this great! Love the fabric! She prewashed the fabric…so when the kids get it a little dirty she can take it off and put it in the washer.
Close up of the front
Another close up.
I love the green pillow and green walls too. I am a sucker for green. I think it stems from my childhood. In one of our old houses, my mom had the fireplace mantel and all the wood trim painted sage green, oh and the carpet was green too. We all made fun of it all the time, but she loved it. Now look at me, “Momma’s girl”!
My sisters and I call each other “momma’s girl” when we do or say something that is SO our mom.
Great Transformation! Question: When using Chenille fabric, do you have to back the fabric first so that it won’t stretch?
Susan : )
I’ve never been able to get welt with that thick a fabric combined with the layers of the slip cover to not break my machine, even an industrial. What do you use? This is so gorgeous, I love it.