I am not going to lie…my client dropped her chair off at my work studio with her dark denim fabric and I had my doubts. I had not been to her house, so I didn’t see the full concept of what direction she was going with the room. In my head I was thinking, Hmmm…denim… that was pretty awesome 15 yrs ago. Then I sent her a sneak peak of the finished chair and she texted me a pic of the room it was going in, then I got excited and offered to drop it off at her house so I could get pics because IT WAS GOING TO LOOK AMAZING!!! Jute rug and all!
During the drop off she told me that she was on the tail end of this room makeover! WELL—enough said~ I LOVE ROOM MAKEOVERS!!! She did such a great job! Then she emailed me pics of the befores—so here it is for you all to enjoy! I always love a great BEFORE and AFTER!
Family room–BEFORE! Lots of fun colors and a bit country–which she was tired of. She was done with the red.
Chair—BEFORE—worn and faded!
Chair–AFTER! Dark Denim in all it’s glory paired with a great jute rug from Pottery Barn.
Family Room—AFTER! Such a nice update! Clean lined, sophisticated, and calming!
Kids are back in school and I can think again. It was great having them home and we did lots of fun stuff…but my business was just in survival mode. Trying to keep up and not get behind. Now I am revisiting my ideas I had at the end of Spring. Here are my initial thoughts, comment if you are interested and if there’s enough interest, I’ll start getting dates arranged.
-Job Shadowing–for all of you that have started a slipcover business of your own, but want a little more direction and mentoring. This would take place at my work studio. $200/day. 1 student. Tailored to your needs (onsite fittings, wing backs, cutting, quickbooks, photography skills, waterfall skirts, scheduling appts, blogging, cushions, ordering down cushions, etc.). You can decide how many days you want/need. 6 hour day.
-Workshop–2 day workshop at my studio for beginners. 4-5 students. $200/student. Bring a chair, fabric, and sewing machine. You will leave with a completed chair and a new skill. Hands on learning. 6 hour days.
-Skype Mentoring–$50/hr–sewing questions for your business or for your own projects.
I would be VERY interested in doing a workshop, I am so anxious to learn the steps/tricks of slip covering and would find it very beneficial to have an expert on hand guiding me through the process. Hope it works out!
where do you live?
I love that round coffee table, I would paint it apple green. Is it Pottery Barn?