SLIPCOVER–AFTER—she got a great Matelesse fabric that will hold up over the years.
She was concerned about the back getting worn and dirty again…so I made a topper out of the tan toile.
The linen gingham skirt ties in the topper. We also did gingham on one side of the cushion–so she can flip it.
#1–I submitted a “we paid cash story” about our new car to Money Saving Mommy and she featured it this past week!
Besides sewing…saving $ and being debt free is my other passion. Everyone always asks how I do it….here’s my advice–maintain the same lifestyle…when you get a raise or bonus–put that $ towards something specific (loan, cc debt, savings, etc.) , don’t absorb it and “spend what you make”. Yes we can probably afford a bigger house than the one we bought 13 years ago—but we do we NEED it? Nope—all my boys keep migrating back to sleeping all in the same room anyways. I choose not to afford lots of things—just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you should.
#3–Our youngest son was baptized about a month ago before the holidays. He is very picky about what he wears…so this was exciting for me to see all my boys in suits! Love how handsome they all look. That morning, I went downstairs to help him get dressed and I found my oldest had already gotten him to put on the suit and was helping him put on his tie….tears to my eyes! What a sweet moment! I love when they are being sweet and not pounding on each other!